Writings and ponderings

5 tips to decluttering (and my conundrum when it comes to antique furniture!)
My 5 tips to de-cluttering and my conundrum when it comes to antique furniture.

I’ve been unraveling
Do you ever feel you are so knotted your energy doesn’t know which way is up? Do you ever feel you are more of a fluff ball than a ball of wool? Do you ever feel you are being judged for your journey? In this blog I share some gentle ideas that have helped me through my own personal unraveling.

The magic of Winter Solstice and a Self healing meditation.
That time of year that invites us to go inward.To stop trying to push our way into the daylight. To stop trying to "be out there" in the light…join me for a self healing meditation as we sit with the Goddess of Midwinter.

Do you ever feel you are travelling to a destination “unknown?”
Do you ever feel that you are sailing on a boat and while you have a vague idea of where you are sailing to, you are still sailing into the Vast Unknown. The Vast Unknown of Possibilities, Challenges, Constants and Decisions. Does what you do, think, feel matter?

Why having Messy Emotions are so empowering
Messy Emotions are the emotions that come knocking in the early hours of the morning ready to paint me a picture. They can appear like the colours of an artists palette all mixed up and out of “order”. However when I stop to look at the masterpiece the artist has painted the “Messy” palette is rather a testament of something greater.

Why silent pauses are so important.
The importance of the silent pause… Have you ever considered how important this tiny pause is when talking to yourself and others?

How to get rid of the ‘stuff” that gathers in your heart?
What happens when your hearts basket gets filled with other peoples STUFF? A mindful meditation that helps you to clean your hearts basket of "other peoples stuff".

Why is it important to remember beautiful things?
When we remember to fill our basket with BEAUTIFUL things our life-force increases, our heath improves and our overall being balances in such a way we radiate.. may you remember all the beautiful things that makes you smile.

Why it is important to support each other
Mental health...we over look that at times. We over look how we are feeling...deeply feeling. We over look our heart and what is going on there. We over look our emotions and we over look what has become of our truth.

It is time for women to…..
It is time for women to stand tall and reclaim the landscape of their heart and soul. To become once again the High Queen of their Queendom and the magnificent beings that they are.

If I am honest…
If I am honest… how honest are you in your own feelings and thoughts to yourself? and if you did sit with yourself what deep exquisite knowing would you feel. Samantha Corrie. Shamanic Practitioner. Spiritual Healer. Women’s Wisdom Workshops. Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval.

Why it is important to enter those hidden, magikal, (un)comfortable places
In walking into those places where the uncomfortable meets the comfortable great healing and empowerment takes place. I welcome you home, home to the depth of who you are. Samantha Corrie. Shamanic Practitioner. Spiritual Healer. Spiritual Mentor. Teacher.