It is time for women to…..
It is time for women…
to sing their song
their song of truth,
their song of love.
It is time for women
to sow the seeds
the seeds of their childhood dreams, their hearts longing and their future.
It is time for women
to grieve
to grieve, and lament all that has gone before them –
the sorrow, the hidden hurts, the stories left behind.
It is time for women
to heal their inner forests of all that was felled and destroyed – felled by hurt, loss, pain, fear, addictions, shame, anxieties and expectations.
It is time for women
to be heard
to hear the ancient wisdom of their foremothers and fathers
the healers and wise ones of ages past.
It is time for women
to be the basket weavers and wise women in their village again – weaving baskets of hope, truth and love, and offering more profound remedies that heal beyond the physical into the soul and heart of all those around.
It is time for all women
to stand tall
tall in their own unique power
tall in their own colourful splendour
tall in the ruling of their own inner landscape.
It is time for women
to feel safe and confident
as they open the gates of their Queen-dom,
as they allow, invite and welcome
Self Esteem,
Personal Power
and above all
It is time for all women
to become a Goddess once again…
I facilitate Women Seasonal Workshops and sacred healing space for women to come home to the unique landscape that is their birth-rite.
Until we meet where all women stand tall in their magnificence
Blessed be,