Why do we make the choices we do?
Travelling began many years ago, when on a Full Moon night I shared with a friend that
“I want to go to England and see Stonehenge.
And as I said those words the Full Moon rose and her moonbeams glistened upon the waves like an invitation to “Come on, I’ll take you there.”
Six months later I was on the other side of the world visiting a landscape that has captured my imagination since and has called me back again. England. Ireland. Stone circles. Sacred Wells. Dolmens. Cairns. Faerie Trees. Stone Avenues…
I didn’t know anything about them then, and from an archeological / historical point of view I still don’t.
What I do know (and I’m speaking from personal experience) is that they are portals, gateways, invitations to step in, step beyond, step through.
A metaphor for life itself actually.
Have you ever stood at the threshold of something wonderful?
Have you ever turned left instead of right and ended up somewhere different and more amazing?
Have you ever thought the road was easy only to be met by some invisible challenge, guardian, choice?
Have you ever travelled through rugged landscapes only to arrive safely with a huge welcome?
What makes us make those choices?
What leads us through those doors?
Sometimes the way is obvious. It is clearly marked. The light on the pathway ahead is glistening, and the gates open easily.
Other times, we arrive and the gates are closed. SHUT. And we wonder is this the Right Way, or did we get lost, confused… and we question.
Other times, we know we have arrived and yet we have to wait until the Gatekeeper comes and opens the gate for us.
So we wait - Patiently? Calmly? Consciously? or are we impatient and stressed?
Sometimes the gateway has always been there and we as a child we played with the Guardian. The road ahead is so appealing the twisty turning roads pull at our hearts and the journey is easy.
Sometimes though, we fear that if we walk through the gate we will never return.
Or maybe we fear to walk through, because of what we will leave behind.
Other times the way forward isn’t where we expected it to be, it challenges us more than we realise, it brings up all our fears and our insecurities, and yet, it calls us to enter and enter we know we will do.
What are your experiences with thresholds and gateways? What do they represent for you?
What threshold/gateway/choice do you stand at my friends?
What encourages you forward? what holds you back?
Who guards the doorway, and what payment are they asking of you?
Thresholds are these powerful places where energy and emotions meet. A life experience. An initiation. A calling. A change in consciousness. A choice.
All invite us to stop, take note, breathe deeply,
step inward, seek wisdom, ponder,
consider, walk - forward,
or back again
each and all are life changing.
We will never be the same again once we choose,
either way.
What threshold do you stand at my friend? It is easy to pass?
Or is it asking much more of you than you initially realised?
Where the thresholds tug at our heart
our lives will forever be changed.
I honour of your courage, choices and journey.
ps/ If you need support to step beyond the gate, walk over the threshold or listen to the gatekeeper, feel free to reach out… This is something that I am passionate about supporting folk, like you, live their life with honour and integrity.