Ancient Skills for a Modern World


Join me for a weekend of healing, connecting and remembering -

Healing - your physical, emotional, mental energies

Connecting to your guides and spirit helpers, nature and other like minded souls

Remembering who you really are as you connect to the spirits in nature and in yourself.


Friday evening - 7:30pm start
Saturday- 9:30 - 5:30pm
Sunday- 9:30 - 5:30pm

Level 1 - 17-19 February 2023
Level 2 - 10-12 March 2023
Level 3 - 1-3 June 2023

what to bring: journal, colours, rug, yoga mat, water, lunch to share, rattle, comfy weather appropriate clothes to be in nature.

Venue - Randwick. NSW


Direct deposit is my preferred option of payment .

BSB - 802825
Account no: 61080460
Firefighters Mutual Bank
Samantha Corrie
Reference: Your name and workshop name. Please email me a copy of your payment.

continue on for credit card or paypal options

I would love to join you