Soft sessions
for people living with
Hello and welcome to this page.
Thank you for joining our exploration of movement and meditation. This series uses gentle movement, meditation and management strategies to explore what it feels like to be aware and respectful of your own energy when you have ME/CFS, and what it is like to accept current limits but still hope, find calm and joy, compassion and improve quality of life.
We will cover topics such as pacing, managing Post Exertional Malaise (PEM), practicing proprioception, fascial health and autonomic calming techniques.
Research is showing there are subgroupings within the ME/CFS community, and each of us have our own history and preferences, so please celebrate your individuality as you do the series. Consider it a degustation, with a range of ideas for you to sample from. You know your body, please take your hard-earned knowledge and liaise with your doctor and health team so you can responsibly choose and use what is suitable for you.
Each session has a theme and we will invite you to try some movement techniques that will help your body relax and regather for a small energy input. We will then do a meditation. Always just do what suits you on the day. Less is more. When your brain and body feel safe, relaxed and curious it sets the stage for learning and brain plasticity.
New research is being conducted on ME/CFS and we sincerely hope it brings us all cures. Meanwhile, this program aims to improve how we live with ME/CFS, build confidence in choosing activities and encourage well being. The program is evidence-informed; based on current ME/CFS and fascia research integrated with clinical advice, lived experience and targeted Occupational Therapy advice provided by Rebecca Rae-Hodgson. However, it is not a medical treatment for ME/CFS nor a cure
There are 5 sessions to this initial series - each facilitated by Jane Taylor and Samantha Corrie. Below you will find the MP3 recording of each live session plus a downloadable companion guide. We advise that you read the Companion Guide first as it will give you ideas to consider (eg/ how you set up your own space) before you listen to the recording.
Thank you for sharing this program with us.
In honour of your journey.
Jane and Sam x
Before you begin we encourage you to read through this Introductory Companion Guide as it will offer you lovely ideas to help you set up and get comfortable.