Magic Moments

What does my Heart need this season?

Hello Beautiful Soul,

Welcome you to Magic Moments! How are you today? How was this mornings meditation for you? Did you fall asleep? Did you listen all the way through? Either way it is perfect.

Be kind to yourself as you journey with me over the next few weeks. You may like to read through this Meditation guide - it offers suggestions to how to set up your space and how to care for yourself after a meditation.

Each day, for 21 days, I will ask you “WHAT DOES YOUR HEART NEED MOST THIS SEASON?” This is a beautiful question that over the 21 days will invoke deep healing, mindfulness and a profound sense of self care and self awareness within your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical being. Asking the same intent over and over will take you deeper and deeper into your own inner landscape and, in this case, into the physical season of Autumn or Spring that you will be entering.

Whether you join me at dawn, or whether you listen to the recordings at a later time, you will also have this page to come back to over the next month. All meditations will be available until May.

Those that brought the Sunshine Package, will receive your own downloadable MP3 copies of the meditations plus a beautiful booklet (I like to call it a Companion Guide) with more thoughts to ponder and meditations to delve into, within 10-14 days after Magic Moments has been completed.

If you wish to upgrade your package to receive the downloads and Companion Guide, feel free to contact me here and I will be happy to organise that for you.

Even though the course has started, all meditations are recorded, so if you wish to share this course with your friends please direct them to this link so they can register.

Until we meet, where the Magic Hour invites healing, change and beauty,

Blessed be.


Day 5 - Unfortunately you will experience some technical issues...I hope that it does not distract you too much. I apologize in advanced.